Clark Gafke

Chief Executive Officer, LEAD Philanthropy

About this speaker

Clark Gafke, Chief Executive Officer at LEAD Philanthropy, enables nonprofit institutions to attract and motivate donors to achieve the organization’s strategic goals. He helps the organization’s senior leadership evaluate and design strategic fundraising plans in the context of contemporary giving trends. He also assists the organization’s development staff to implement the plan through the design and conduct of specific communication initiatives for Capital and Annual Fund programs. Clark’s experience enables him to provide guidance on using appropriate channels to reach prospects and donors in ways they want to communicate – face-to-face, special events, calling programs, direct mail efforts, email campaigns, crowdfunding & giving days, online technologies, digital communications, text-to-give, text-to-pledge and a host of other mobile channels. In his 30-years providing fundraising counsel, Clark has served 211 organizations in the US and Canada representing education, healthcare, arts, museums, zoos, aquariums, public broadcasting and membership organizations. In the process, he’s trained and coached more than 11,000 communicators.

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Panel Discussion: Filling The Void Between The Chair and the Keyboard

30 March 2022, 04:30 PM
Jennifer Eggers Rachel Spencer Joshua Webb Julie Knight, Ph.D Clark Gafke Madison McCall